Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Zira!!!Gninuk!!mate!!we love you dear>.<

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as alwayz..i LOVE candles;p weeee~

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Have A Wonderful toxoplasmosis bday!!

you’re old now!!!so u have to behave!!!hahaha while i on d other hand can go all whacho n such;p lalala~


~d bdae gurl~


p.s: incase u guys are wondering…its writen “zira dah tue!!!” on d cake heee~

4 vanilla~:

rajanurhazirah said...

haha, OY!

terima kasih banyak la kamu...

if pranks were like this, i won't mind seriously(!) haha

moi loves vous ;-)

iamamongyouandyoucannotseeme said...

Happy birthday to that fella!
Older and wiser.

anisdiyana said...

IAAYAYCSM,older YES!!!!wiser...errrrr hahah okok she's wiser than me..;p

anisdiyana said...

hahaha if pranks are alwayz like this..habisla everyone jdi cheezy everydae..huhuhu~