hahaha but nntla…i still dunoe what i want..aishhh
lame x update..soooo ni jela yg dapat d update..heeee my nieces n nephews…;p becoz i so really truly deeply in LOVE with them..hueeeeeeeee mwahx mwahx sayang toddlers!!!
maryam sofea 4
arief daniel 3
arief ismail 2
alia aliana 1
epi bdae alia!!!
11 vanilla~:
anis dear..
thank u for ur commentss ye.. =]
now its my time 2 comment...
cute nieces n nephews u got there dear..n great pictures also.. ~_^
owh laaaa sje je comment..u dun really hav to balas blk..huhuhu but thxies all d same
Maryam! :)
Gileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr Comey Picta2 U~~~
I pun nk model yg cute2 mcm tu jgk!
huhu susah nk tgkp pic maryam..die ske lari dri camera..huhu
fidza pon ade kn model yg comel;p
heyp..thanx for da comment...
feelin' well now..ahaks...
anyway, all of them r very cute..
sgt comel...geram!!!n :p
n nice pic 2..be my mentor bleh?? ~ngeeee~
huhuhu yup sgt geram ngan dorg..huhuhuh pics ni normal je..my friends tgkp lgi lawa^^
cute sgt maryam sofea..!!
yup she is;p thx
patut letak la gamba ko skali then tulis kat sbelah: anis diyana 21.. hehe paham kan? =)
eih??ko ckp ak toddler ke?..aishhh yela2 ak budak2..aishhh hahaha x kesah r yg pasti ak mude dri ko..;p
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